

Where Teachers meet Programmers

EduSummit is a special section of the conference focused on teaching programming at primary and secondary schools. After two years of having an EduTrack at PyCon SK, consisting of a single day of talks for teachers, we are now organising a two day summit during which teachers will be introduced to innovative ways and methods of teaching programming, share their knowledge of useful tools and last but not least participate in numerous workshops given by experienced educators.

Profesor Juraj Hromkovič, DrSc.

Juraj Hromkovič

professor at ETH Zürich

Professor Juraj Hromkovič is a university lecturer from Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH) in Zürich. He has authored many books and scientific publications dealing particularly with algorithmics, probabilistic algorithms and didactics of informatics. He focuses on education of informatics teachers and implementing of informatics to elementary schools. In 2017, he was awarded a 1st class Pribina Cross state order by President of Slovak republic Andrej Kiska.

Luke Spademan

CS student and Python enthusiast

Luke is 17 and is studying computer science, maths, further maths and physics in Year 12 (English Secondary school / Sixthform). He loves to program in Python and thinks that the micro:bit is a great eductional tool and should be more widely used. He has given previous talks at Pycon UK and is looking forward to speaking at Pycon SK 2019.

Controling a robotic arm with micro:bits. How to make computer science education more interesting.

Captivating a group of children for a sustained period of time is notoriously hard. I will be exporing with you how the micro:bit can be used to engage a young audience with interactive demos and programming activities.

Children love to physically interact with hardware. That is what is great about the micro:bit. It not only has built in LEDs and buttons but can also control bigger more exciting electronics like robotic arms. This allows for setup that gives students of all ability levels a challenge. Students that are beginners to programming can be given a more complete program or walk throught a worksheet that takes them through the process of controling the device (in this case a robotic arm) step by step. Students that have higher programming skills can be given a more bare bones / boilerplate source file and can write code to control the arm with less guidance.

Magdaléna Bellayová

High school student

5th grade student at Gymnázium Golianova in Nitre, Microsoft ambassador. Attended the first Microsoft AI Bootcampu and reported on Microsoft conferences Educate for future. She is active in activities focused on informatics popularization such as summer informatics camp. Currently she volunteers at child computer club in Nitra where BBC micro:bits are used. She is continuously improving her programming talent in DofE program.

Eva Kupčová

High school student

Student of the final grade at Gymnazium Golianova in Nitra. Her activities range from DofE program to programming tutoring in senior home. During the summer she attended a Microsoft project for girls - the first AI Bootcamp where she experienced programming with micro:bits. In the future she wants to be a software engineer.

Programovať môže každý. Fakt alebo mýtus?

Čo keby ste mali riešenie na oživenie vyučovania programovania? Riešenie, ktoré svieti, reaguje na podnety, alebo dokonca posiela správy? A môže programovať skutočne každý? Na workshope sa pokúsime nájsť odpoveď na tieto otázky. Vyskúšame si zábavné programovanie, či už s využitím grafického blokovo orientovaného programovacieho jazyka alebo textového jazyka MicroPython. Máme pre vás pripravenú ochutnávku práce s programovateľným mikropočítačom BBC micro:bit, s prezentáciou praktických tipov na rôzne aktivity pre študentov. Vzbuďme v študentoch chuť programovať!

Peter Kučera

High school informatics teacher, author of Python textbooks

Peter works as a high school informatics teacher. He is a member of subject comission for infromatics in State pedagogics institute. He authored a serie of textbooks Programujeme v Pythone (Programming in Python) with handbook for teachers, final exam exercises and a collection of tests. He leads Informatics teachers club and does the Python courses for teachers. He also prepares students for teaching informatics.

Programujeme v Pythone na strednej škole

Rozmýšľate, čo vyučovať na seminári z programovania, ak chcete svojich študentov naučiť ešte viac? Základnú a maturitnú úroveň programovania, ktorú sme predstavili v minulosti, sme rozšírili o ďalšie zaujímavé témy. V príspevku vám predstavíme, čo učíme na seminároch z programovania. Ukážeme vám, ktorým témam sa venujeme, ako sme ich spracovali, ktorý kontext úloh sa nám osvedčil v praxi. Tiež vám predstavíme kompletné materiály na strednú školu. Ako aktivizovať študentov? Aké programy vedia vytvoriť a ako tvoria seminárne práce z programovania? Aj týmto otázkam sa budeme venovať v našom príspevku.

Miroslava Šturmová

High school informatics teacher

Informatics and programming teacher at High school in Martin feeling as an eternal student. Love to learn new things, so I make friends with Python although some people think I don't need such friends in my age.

Objavovanie VPythonu v Dudley College

V marci 2017 dostali žiaci Strednej priemyselnej školy technickej v Martine (SPŠT) prvýkrát príležitosť absolvovať prax v Dudley College vo Veľkej Británii. Vďaka úspešnému projektu Erasmus+ „Turiec do Európy, Európa do Turca“, ktorý pripravila K. A. B. A. Slovensko, sa tu zoznámili s programovacím jazykom Python. Projekt bol úspešný aj v školskom roku 2017/2018. Dudley College sa tak stala na dva marcové týždne školou pre desiatich tretiakov technického lýcea SPŠT. Odborný program bol zameraný na tvorbu efektívnych algoritmov, rozvoj logického myslenia, grafiku a nástroj pre vytváranie 3D animácií v reálnom čase - VPython. Svoje nadobudnuté vedomosti a praktické zručnosti odovzdali účastníci mobility aj ďalej. Učitelia informatiky SPŠT a Gymnázia Viliama Paulínyho Tótha (GVPT) v Martine nadviazali na úspešnú spoluprácu z minulého roka, opäť spojili svoje sily a pripravili druhý ročník odbornej konferencie PYTHON DAYS 2.0. V dňoch 31.5 - 1.6.2018 odzneli na GVPT zaujímavé prednášky, robilo sa veľa workshopov. Na jednom z nich sme predstavili gymnazistom VPython a vývojové prostredie GlowScript. Výstupy z mobility Erasmus+ tak neostali len doma, na SPŠT, ale nadobudli oveľa širší rozmer. Na konferencii PyCON SK 2019 predstavíme toto prostredie, jeho nástroje a ukážeme práce, ktoré sme vytvorili.

Why Attend?

Great speakers, workshops and hardware showcase

Speak at EduSummit

Call for Proposals is open. If you are a teacher or educator submit your talk or workshop and co-create the conference here.

Young Coders' day

On Saturday, we will host a Young Coders' day, consisting of programming workshops for children.

Hardware Projects Showcase

If you have created an interesting hardware project which uses Python and would like to share it to the world then bring it to PyCon SK 2019.

EduSummit workshops

On saturday we will hold numerous educational workshops.

EduSummit ponsors

EduSummit would not take place without our sponsors!